
14 2024

The Spaces of Treblinka with Author Jacob Flaws

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Sylvia Vlosky Yaschik Jewish Studies Center, Arnold Hall 96 Wentworth Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Contact Kim Browdy

Spaces of Treblinka uses testimonies, oral histories, and recollections from Jewish, German, and Polish witnesses to create a holistic representation of the Treblinka death camp during its operation. The book provides a staggering and profound reassessment of the relationship between knowing and not knowing and asks us to confront the timely warning that we, in our modern, interconnected world, can all become witnesses.

Dr. Jacob Flaws is an assistant professor of history at Kean University.

Sponsor: Zucker/Goldberg Center for Holocaust Studies and the Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program