Sandra and Howard's legacy gift benefits the Charleston Jewish Federation

Sandra and Howard Peskin

We wanted to create a legacy that would impact the most people possible and felt the way to do that is through the Charleston Jewish Federation. That way, we know our donation will impact the local community in Charleston, in Israel, which is near and dear to our hearts, and actually, globally.


We are 100% enraptured with PJ Library and how it sends age-appropriate books of Jewish content, free of charge, to children who have at least one Jewish parent. We have donated every year to PJ Library since its inception in the Charleston community, and hope to be able to continue to do so. There are so many worthy endeavors of which CJF is part, and we are thrilled to be even a small part of it.


The greatest influences in my life were my mom and my stepdad, Celia and Sol Cohen. I moved to Waterboro, SC when I was 14, when my mom married Sol. I think I didn’t realize until I became an adult what powerful folks they were in the community. They were involved in so many activities and generous beyond belief. Sol was very involved in B’nai B’rith Men, the synagogue in Walterboro, and Boy Scouts, to mention only a few. They moved to Charleston in 1978, as did Howard and I, and they quickly became a major part of the Jewish community of Charleston. Both of them continued to be active in doing and giving until their deaths, and they taught us the importance of giving of ourselves, as well as giving to the limit of our financial ability.


It was hard being Jewish in Walterboro in the 1960s, but both my mom and Sol helped me see the importance of my Jewish identity, which, of course, will always be part of me. I think Howard, who grew up in the Bronx, would say that my mom and Sol had an amazing influence on him as well.


Our daughter Mara, who lives in Atlanta with her husband and two beautiful children, also learned from Grandma and Papa, as they were affectionately known by all of their grandchildren. Mara and Jeff are involved in the Jewish community in Atlanta. Before we made the legacy gift to CJF, we discussed it with Mara. She and Jeff are so proud that we are doing this, and that makes us proud, knowing that our offspring is as committed to the future of the Jewish people as we are.


We know we are very blessed to have the resources to make this legacy happen and are most thankful that we can do it!

– Sandra Peskin